Christian Schoen has a doctorate in art history. He studied Middle, Modern and Byzantine art history, politics and psychology at the Universities of Kiel and Munich. Parallel to his studies, he worked in the areas of concert and congress organization.
He headed the municipal art gallery lothringer 13 in Munich, the CIA.IS - Center for Icelandic Art (now Icelandic Art Center, Reykjavik and the OSRAM ART PROJECTS, Munich. As a project manager for art in public space, he was employed by the Munich cultural department and as a freelancer at the Haus der Kunst.
As commissioner at the Venice Biennale, he was responsible for the Icelandic pavilion in 2007 and 2009. He was also a member of the advisory board of the Reykjavík Art Museum and the local purchasing committee, co-editor of the online magazine LIST icelandic art news, initiator and chairman of the SEQUENCES real time art festival in Reykjavik and lecturer at the University of St. Gallen and Ansbach University.
As a freelance curator, he designed international exhibitions, for example for the Venice Biennale 2011, the National Gallery of Iceland, the Kunsthalle Emden and the German Federal Government. He develops specific museum and exhibition concepts for classical and contemporary institutions and looks after art collections and writes valuations as an expert.
He worked and published on "Auguste Rodin and the Photography" (MA in 1997), "Albrecht Dürer's Adam and Eve" (Diss. In 2000), or most recently "Kaspar Hauser-Bildwelten" (2016) or "Frisoni - Retti - Carlone" (2022), in a contemporary Icelandic and international art as well as technical media.
With RESPECT, he initiated an ambitious series of programs on environmental protection and sustainability issues in 2013.
In March 2014 Christian Schoen was elected to the Ansbach City Council (non-party), and until 2020 he was also deputy mayor. In 2022 he left the City Council.
Since 2013 he has been campaigning for the preservation of the so-called Retti-Palais, a Rococo palace in the heart of Ansbach. Since 2015 he has been chairman of the Retti Association e.V. In 2022 he was appointed director of Museum Retti Palais.